About Anthony M

He considers himself a ‘Spear Head,’ eager to build Individuals who want to establish in online Selling Platform.

Anthony Mendis

Thinking wisely and working smart is key to Success

As the E-Pal Mantra

Anthony Mendis is the Founder of E-Pal which storms in Online Selling Platform Locally and Globally , with experience managing global recognized Online Selling Platforms. His background in Online Selling strategies, Grooming Individuals, and Business management inform his mindful competitive approach. Anthony is fueled by his passion for understanding the nuances of committing individuals to listen to his Voice. He has influenced many across his 3 YouTube Channels E-Pal,E-Pal Hub & Yaksha Care. He considers himself a ‘Spear Head,’ eager to build Individuals who want to establish in online Selling Platform. His ability to Motivate is immense through his Yaksha Care YouTube Channel has pointed many areas which lacking for a 8 hour work head.

Hail from the Wood Carving City “Moratuwa”, Anthony has been able to Carved many individuals who seek to establish in e-money Platform. He has proved Dropshipping isn’t just a word and added flavor and with the depth Knowledge he can transform the selling flow to a Supremacy.

His hunger for knowledge and determination to turn information into action has contributed not only to Srilankan community but globally.

He vastly improved the productivity of his Devils Workshop (As he describes his Mind) by implementing strategic management methods and ensuring a work-life balance for each individual follows him.

Anthony believes thinking wisely and working smart is Key to success – As the E-Pal Mantra

“Think Wisely – Don’t Work Hard Work Smart – Happy Selling”
A rock Solid Mantra many has already devoted. Anthony is always interested in a challenge.

Reach out to hello@anthonymendis.com to connect!

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